
Documentation for AWG (Agilent N8241A)

This device is a AWG (arbitrary waveform generator), following is the python code used in the lab, to connect to it remotely, given your system is in lab network

Information & Parameters:

User manual of this AWG can be found here

Each AWG contains few key things:

  1. Channels: This output the given signal
  2. Marker: Used for triggering and syncing with other type of instruments
  3. Trigger: Used to put multiple AWGs in master-slave configuration
  4. Ext_CLK: Used to sync with external clock.

Also this AWG (channels) has 2 modes of operation:

  1. Burst Mode (The sequence repeats indefinitely or until an event trigger is received.)
  2. Continous mode (The sequence is repeated a predefined number of times. This mode requires a start trigger.)

Python Script for using AWG (SQD lab specific):

Creating the object and connecting to AWG:

Note: Make sure to install the IVI foundation software to control the AWG.

from qcodes.instrument_drivers.sqdlab.Agilent_N8241A import Agilent_N8241A

awg_agilent1 = Agilent_N8241A('awg_agilent1', ivi_dll=r'C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\AGN6030A.dll', address='TCPIP::<IP ADDRESS>::INSTR', reset=True) 

Resetting previously used AWGs:

NOTE : Resetting is done in reversed order, because Slave AWGs are reset first.

#awgs = [awg_agilent0, awg_agilent1, awg_agilent2]
awgs = [awg_agilent1]

# reset
for awg in reversed(awgs):
    #print('resetting {0:s}'.format(awg.get_name()))
    except Exception as e:


There are 2 type of paramters:

  1. AWG specific paramters.
  2. Channel specific paramters.

Rest of the Documentation is divided into these two sections.

Setting AWG paramters:

Set reference clock:

It can be “internal” or “external”.

# Internal Clock Stuff:
# 1.2GHz clock from Tektronix AWG

Set sample clock:

Source = 0(internal) or 1(external)
Freq = 1.25e9 (fixed for internal) or 100e6 to 1.25e9 (external)

NOTE for external clock: Make sure to supply the “sample clock ext in” with an appropriate signal. A microwave source (like the Rhode and Schwarz SGS100A) at 0 dBm power does the trick. Make sure to split the same source to all AWGs.

# For internal:
awg.configure_sample_clock(source=0, freq=1.25e9)

# For external:
# Here, the freq is being taken from Master AWG.
awg.configure_sample_clock(source=1, freq=awgs[0].get_clock_frequency())

Set clock Sync:

It is False or True depending upon Master or Slave configuration.

# For master configuration:
awg.configure_clock_sync(enabled=False, master=True)

Set trigger threshold:

This should be set when using an external clock or master AWG for trigger . Ususaly the value is between -4.5volt to 4.5volt.


For using marker as a trigger:

awg.m4.source('Hardware Trigger 1')

Set marker:

This is set when using AWG as a Master.

awg.m1.source('Channel 1 Marker 1')
awg.m2.source('Channel 1 Marker 2')
awg.m3.source('Channel 2 Marker 1')
awg.m4.source('Channel 2 Marker 2')

Setting Channel paramters:

Mode of operation:

It can be burst or Continuous , as decribed above.


Setting burst count:

For burst mode, burst count = no.of times the given sequence is repeated after each trigger.


Output Mode:

Various output mode of channel are :

A differential voltage is “floating”, meaning that it has no reference to ground. The measurement is taken as the voltage difference between the two wires.

A single-ended measurement is taken as the voltage difference between a wire and ground.

More about Differential output vs single ended output here



The predistortion function compensates for the variation in the magnitude of the output response as a function of frequency. This variation is the result of the sin x/x (sinc) roll-off of the internal DAC and the frequency response of the reconstruction filter. The correction method uses filters to level the amplitude response and to create a linear phase response at the front panel of the AWG. This process attenuates the signal as a function of frequency, but cannot increase the signal above the maximum output voltage. Therefore, it is necessary to attenuate the lower frequency signals. This results in a reduced output voltage and dynamic range at all frequencies, but with uniform response across the full frequency range.


Output Filters & filter bandwidth:

Output filter is just a boolean value (True or False), which dictate the behavior of filter on the output. If set to enable, user must specifiy the bandwidth.

#awg.set_ch1_output_bandwidth(500e6) <only enbale is required>


This is specified in terms of volts.


Output Impedance:

This is usually 50ohms.


Trigger source:

For a given channel, the trigger source can be set using:


Here, the numbers mean:

1: External Trigger
2: Software Trigger
1024: No Trigger Flag
1025: Software 1 Flag
1056: Software 2 Flag
1088: Software 3 Flag
1026: External 1 Flag
1028: External 2 Flag
1032: External 3 Flag
1040: External 4 Flag
4195328: LXI Trig1 Flag

Enable Channel output:


Sample python Script:

A sample python configuration script is attached below:

from qcodes.instrument_drivers.sqdlab.Agilent_N8241A import Agilent_N8241A

awg_agilent1 = Agilent_N8241A('awg_agilent1', ivi_dll=r'C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin\AGN6030A.dll', address='TCPIP::', reset=True) 

#awgs = [awg_agilent0, awg_agilent1, awg_agilent2]
awgs = [awg_agilent1]

# reset
for awg in reversed(awgs):
    #print('resetting {0:s}'.format(awg.get_name()))
    except Exception as e:

# awgs clocking and syncronization
for awg in awgs[:1]:
    # use external 10MHz ref quratz clock
    #awg.configure_sample_clock(source=1, freq=1.20e9)
    # 1GHz clock from microwave source
    #awg.configure_sample_clock(source=1, freq=1e9)
    # 1.25GHz internal clock
    awg.configure_sample_clock(source=0, freq=1.25e9)
    awg.configure_clock_sync(enabled=False, master=True)

# Below should be used for setting up Master AWG
for awg in awgs[1:]:
    awg.configure_sample_clock(source=1, freq=awgs[0].get_clock_frequency())
    awg.configure_clock_sync(enabled=True, master=False)

# channel settings
for awg in awgs:
    awg.m1.source('Channel 1 Marker 1')
    awg.m2.source('Channel 1 Marker 2')
    awg.m3.source('Channel 2 Marker 1')
    awg.m4.source('Channel 2 Marker 2')
    #awg.ch1.configure_trigger_source(1024) # No Trigger flag
    #awg.ch2.configure_trigger_source(1024) # No Trigger flag
    awg.ch1.configure_trigger_source(1|1026|1028|1032|1040) # any hardware trigger input

# triggered by hardware trigger 1 of awg #1 -- this must be set after switching to burst mode
for awg in awgs[:1]:
    awg.m4.source('Hardware Trigger 1')